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Does Mustard Go Bad?

Just like any food product, mustard can go bad, but it often takes quite a long time due to its acidic nature. Knowing the signs of spoiled mustard and how to properly store it will help ensure that you’re always using fresh condiments.

Does Mustard Go Bad?


Yes, mustard can go bad, but it takes a long time due to its high acidity. Unopened mustard can last up to three years in a pantry. Once opened, it stays fresh for about a year if stored properly in the refrigerator. Always look for signs of spoilage like color change, bad smell, or altered texture.

Jar of mustard with a spoonful mustard seeds and more poured on the counter

Mustard does go bad eventually, but its high acidity level usually gives it a long shelf life. An unopened bottle of mustard can last for up to three years in the pantry.

Once opened, mustard stays fresh for about a year if properly stored in the refrigerator. When mustard starts to go bad, you’ll notice some clear signs.

Let’s dive into what signs to look for if you think your mustard might be spoiled.


Mustard, whether yellow or brown, is known for its vibrant color. This is one of the first things to look for when assessing your mustard’s freshness.

Over time, as mustard begins to spoil, its color will start to fade, becoming duller and less vibrant.

In some cases, it may even turn a darker shade. So, if your mustard looks lackluster or has experienced a drastic color shift, it might be time to toss it.


A fresh jar of mustard will have a strong, pungent, and somewhat spicy aroma. It’s one of those smells that’s hard to mistake.

When mustard starts to spoil, this distinctive aroma will begin to change. It might start to smell sour, or just generally “off”.

If you open your mustard and the smell that greets you is not the usual sharp scent you’re accustomed to, it’s likely that your mustard has gone bad.


Mustard should have a smooth and somewhat creamy consistency. As it starts to go bad, the texture can change significantly.

It might become watery, a sign that the ingredients have begun to separate. Alternatively, you might notice hard clumps forming in the mustard, another signal that it’s past its prime.

If the texture of your mustard has changed in either of these ways, it’s safer to throw it out and replace it.

Sign Description
Change of Color Mustard becomes dull or changes to a darker shade.
Change of Aroma Mustard’s smell becomes sour or unpleasant.
Change in Texture Mustard becomes watery or forms hard clumps.

Remember, it’s always best to trust your senses when it comes to food safety. If something about your mustard seems off, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Find out how to tell if mayo has gone bad and how to tell if ketchup has gone bad so that you and be sure to keep all of your condiments fresh.

If you are unsure if your mustard is ok to use or if you don’t have the right mustard for a recipe, check out my creole mustard substitute post.

How to Store Mustard

Mustard should be stored in a cool, dry place such as a pantry or a cupboard away from heat and light sources before it’s opened.

Once you’ve broken the seal, it’s essential to keep it refrigerated. The cooler temperatures slow down the degradation process, maintaining the mustard’s quality for longer – usually up to a year.

Remember to always ensure that the lid is tightly sealed after each use. This prevents air exposure, which can accelerate spoilage and promote bacteria growth.

Also, it’s important to always use a clean utensil when scooping or spreading to avoid cross-contamination. Following these steps, you can keep your mustard fresh and flavorful for the longest possible time.

Does mustard need to be refrigerated?

While mustard’s high acidity level acts as a natural preservative, keeping it at room temperature for an extended period, especially after opening, can affect its taste and quality.

Mustard, when unopened, can be stored in a cool, dry place, like a pantry or cupboard. But once you’ve opened the seal, refrigerating mustard is a good practice.

The cold environment slows down the degradation process, helping to maintain the mustard’s robust flavor and freshness for a longer period.

An opened mustard bottle typically stays at its best quality for about a year when stored in the refrigerator.

Even after this period, it’s generally safe to consume as long as there are no signs of spoilage, like changes in color, smell, or texture. However, for optimal taste, it’s recommended to use it within the mentioned time frame.

Remember to ensure that the lid is tightly sealed after each use. This prevents air exposure, which can accelerate spoilage and promote bacteria growth. It’s also important to always use a clean utensil when scooping or spreading to avoid cross-contamination.

Frequently asked questions about does mustard go bad

Once opened, mustard typically stays at its best quality for about one year when stored in the refrigerator. However, it’s still generally safe to consume after this time as long as there are no signs of spoilage.

Yes, it’s generally safe to consume expired mustard as long as it doesn’t show signs of spoilage, like changes in color, smell, or texture. However, for the best flavor and quality, it’s recommended to use it within a year of opening.

Unopened mustard can be stored in the pantry, but it should be refrigerated once opened.


While mustard does eventually go bad, its high acidity level gives it a long shelf life compared to other condiments.

By knowing the signs of spoiled mustard and following proper storage techniques, you can ensure you’re always using a fresh and flavorful product. Remember, when in doubt, it’s always safer to throw it out.

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