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How to Tell If Brie Cheese Is Bad

Is your brie cheese still good to eat? Knowing how to tell if brie cheese is bad can save you from a disappointing experience or even foodborne illness.

In this informative blog post, we’ll provide you with expert tips and visual cues that will help you determine the freshness and quality of your favorite creamy treat.

How to tell if brie cheese is bad


The best way to tell if brie cheese is bad is by the smell. Brie cheese should have a mildly sweet smell. If the cheese smells sour or unpleasant, it has gone bad. Another way to tell if brie cheese is bad is by the texture. Brie cheese should be soft and smooth. If the cheese is hard or crumbly, it has gone

Fresh brie cheese laying on the open wrapper

Brie cheese is a soft, creamy cheese that originated in France. It’s made from cow’s milk and has a white or yellowish rind. Brie cheese is often eaten as an appetizer or snack, and it can be used in recipes. If you’re not sure if your brie cheese is bad, there are a few ways to tell.

How it looks

To determine if brie cheese is bad by looking at it, consider these visual cues:

  1. Color: Fresh brie cheese should have a pale, off-white, or slightly yellow color. If you notice any dark yellow, brown, or green patches, it’s likely that the cheese has gone bad or developed mold.
  2. Texture: Brie cheese should have a smooth, creamy texture when it’s fresh. If the cheese appears dry, cracked, or overly firm, it may be past its prime.
  3. Mold: While brie cheese has a natural white or pale gray rind, any other mold colors like blue, green, or black are signs of spoilage. If you notice these types of mold, it’s best to discard the cheese.

Remember that these visual cues are only part of the assessment. It’s also essential to consider the smell and expiration date to make a more accurate judgment about if cheese is bad.

How it smells

To determine if brie cheese is bad by its smell, pay attention to its aroma. Fresh brie cheese typically has a mild, earthy aroma with notes of mushrooms, nuts, or even slight ammonia due to the ripening process.

This smell is normal and expected. However, if the brie cheese has an overwhelming or extremely pungent odor, it may have gone bad.

A strong, sour, or rancid smell is a sign that the cheese is no longer suitable for consumption.

Additionally, trust your instincts. If the smell of the brie cheese is off-putting or unfamiliar compared to the smell of fresh brie, it’s best to discard it.

Remember, evaluating brie cheese’s freshness should also involve checking its appearance, texture, and expiration date for a comprehensive assessment.

How it feels

To determine if brie cheese is bad by feeling its texture, consider these factors:

  1. Surface texture: Fresh brie cheese should have a relatively firm, dry, and slightly fuzzy rind. If the rind feels slimy, excessively damp, or sticky, it may be a sign that the cheese is going bad.
  2. Consistency: When gently pressed, good quality brie cheese should feel slightly soft and yield to your touch without being too squishy. If the cheese feels overly firm or excessively mushy, it might be past its prime.
  3. Rind separation: If the rind is separating from the cheese’s creamy interior or appears to be cracking, it could be an indication that the brie cheese is no longer fresh.

Remember to also check the cheese’s appearance, smell, and expiration date, as these factors can provide a more accurate assessment of the brie cheese’s freshness.

Signs of spoiled brie cheese

Sign Description
Color Fresh brie cheese should be pale, off-white, or slightly yellow. Dark yellow, brown, or green patches indicate spoilage.
Texture Brie should have a smooth, creamy texture. If the cheese appears dry, cracked, or overly firm, it may be past its prime.
Smell Fresh brie has a mild, earthy aroma. A strong, sour, or rancid smell indicates that the cheese is no longer suitable for consumption.
Mold The white or pale gray rind is normal, but blue, green, or black mold is a sign of spoilage and the cheese should be discarded.
Expiration Date Always check the expiration date on the packaging, but also assess the cheese’s color, texture, and smell for a more accurate judgment of freshness.

What is brie cheese?

Brie cheese is a type of soft cow’s milk cheese that is ripened with mold and encased in a soft, powdery-white edible rind.

It is popularly served with biscuits, fancy table crackers, or bread, as well as with fruit as a dessert at the end of a meal.

It is often used in fondue, melted in sandwiches and pizza toppings, or added to quiches, gratins, and pasta sauces.

Brie cheese is similar to Camembert and is one of the world’s most popular cheeses.

Honey is great drizzled over brie cheese, check out how to tell if honey is bad.

Does brie cheese need to be refrigerated?

Yes, brie cheese needs to be refrigerated to maintain its creamy texture and delicate aroma.

Wrapping the brie in parchment paper, wax paper, or a two-layer wrapping of parchment and aluminum foil will help to protect it from absorbing other odors and stop it from spreading its scent onto the rest of the refrigerator.

How do you store brie cheese after opening?

Storing brie cheese after it has been opened is quite simple. First, remove the rind from the cheese using a sharp knife.

Cut the brie into small wedges or cubes and transfer them to an airtight container. Alternatively, wrap the cheese first in wax or parchment paper and then cover it with plastic wrap before refrigerating.

For longer storage, freeze the brie in an airtight container. To maximize shelf life, wrap the original packaging tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil.

When refrigerated, keep the brie well wrapped to prevent air and strong odors from getting in and to keep moisture from escaping.

Brie can last up to five to seven days when stored properly. To serve, remove the brie from the refrigerator about 30 minutes before serving to allow it to come to room temperature.

How long can brie cheese sit out at room temperature?

Brie cheese can sit out at room temperature for up to 4 hours, according to the food safety specialists at Clemson University’s Cooperative Extension.

It should be removed from the refrigerator about 30 minutes before serving to allow it to come to room temperature.

However, the USDA recommends that soft cheeses like Brie should not be left out at room temperature for more than two hours, as bacteria can grow quickly on soft cheeses, which can cause food poisoning.

In another post, you can find out how long can cream cheese sit out at room temperature before it is unsafe to eat.

Can you eat old brie cheese?

It is not recommended to eat old brie cheese. Brie cheese is a soft, usually creamy, type of cheese made from cow’s milk, and like most dairy products, it goes bad after its expiration date.

Eating expired brie cheese could put you at risk for food poisoning, as bacteria such as listeria can grow on soft-ripened cheeses like brie after its expiration date.

Listeria can cause serious health problems, such as fever, muscle aches, nausea, and diarrhea. Therefore, it is best to avoid eating expired brie cheese to avoid the risk of food poisoning.

What is the coating on brie cheese made of?

The coating on brie cheese is made of an edible mold called Penicillium Candidum.

This mold is sprayed onto the outside of the cheese paste and is then patted down repeatedly over the course of 4-6 weeks to form a powdery white rind.

This process gives Brie its distinctive flavor. The rind helps to protect the soft interior of the cheese from developing harmful bacteria.

Another one that you might be wondering about is how to tell if blue cheese is bad, read on to learn more.

What happens if you eat expired brie?

If you eat expired brie cheese, you may run the risk of food poisoning. Dangerous bacteria, such as Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella can grow on soft-ripened cheeses like brie after their expiration date.

These bacteria can cause serious health problems such as fever, muscle aches, nausea, and diarrhea.

Therefore, it is best to avoid eating brie that has passed its expiration date as it can make you ill. If you have a sensitive stomach, you should not eat any cheese that has gone bad, as it can lead to digestive system disorders.

If you develop symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and stomach cramping that last for more than two days, contact your doctor as soon as possible.

I also have a post that answers, can you eat expired butter, that you might find helpful next time you are in a bind.

Frequently Asked Questions for how to tell if brie cheese is bad

The shelf life of cheese depends on the type of cheese. Hard cheeses like cheddar and Swiss can stay fresh for three to four weeks when stored properly in the fridge, while softer varieties like ricotta or Brie will last for about one to two weeks.

The reason why your Brie might taste like ammonia is that it has been out for too long and the mold culture has caused the white rind of the cheese to grow.

This is a by-product of all bloomy rind cheeses and happens when the cultures used to make the cheese consume and convert the proteins in the curd into ammonia.

To be safe, if your brie cheese smells at all like ammonia it should be thrown away and not consumed.

Brie cheese should be stored in the refrigerator to maintain its freshness. If left unrefrigerated for more than a few hours, the cheese may spoil or develop harmful bacteria. Consume or refrigerate brie as soon as possible after purchase.


In summary, understanding how to tell if brie cheese is bad is essential for ensuring a delightful and safe culinary experience.

Keep an eye on the color, texture, smell, and expiration date to make an informed decision about your brie’s freshness.

With these expert tips, you’ll always enjoy the rich and creamy goodness of brie at its best.

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