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How to Tell if Grapefruit is Bad

Are you a grapefruit lover? Do you enjoy adding this citrus fruit to your daily routine? But, how can you tell if the grapefruit you’re about to eat is still good?

In this blog post, we’ll be discussing the signs to look out for to determine if your grapefruit is bad. Whether it’s the appearance, texture, or smell, we’ve got you covered.

So, let’s dive in and learn how to tell if grapefruit is bad!

How To Tell If Grapefruit Is Bad?


If grapefruit is bad, it will often have dark spots on the skin and feel mushy to the touch. The flesh of the grapefruit may also be discolored and have a sour smell. Bad grapefruits will not taste as sweet as fresh ones and should be avoided.

Wooden box with cut grapefruit and leaves.

Knowing how to tell if grapefruit is bad is important to ensure you’re enjoying the freshest and safest fruit.

To make sure you’re consuming the freshest and safest fruit, it’s important to follow the proper steps to evaluate the freshness of a grapefruit.

How It looks

To tell if grapefruit is bad by the way it looks take a look at the skin. The skin of a bad grapefruit may be dark and dull with brown spots, while ripe grapefruit has a vibrant, consistent color.

Look for water-soaked areas at the stem end of the fruit as this may indicate leaking juice. Additionally, fuzzy, whitish, or grey-green mold may form on the skin or a foul odor may be present, which indicates the fruit has gone bad.

How It Feels

To tell if grapefruit is bad by the way it feels, pick it up and evaluate its color, plumpness, and shape. Push gently with your thumb on the grapefruit’s skin and feel for any mushiness.

Remove your thumb and notice whether the skin bounces back to its original position. Bad grapefruit easily yields to pressure and takes longer to return to its original shape.

If any of these criteria are met, then the grapefruit has likely gone bad.

How It Smells

A bad grapefruit will have a distinct, unpleasant odor. It may smell damp or like rotten fruit.

If you notice a smell different than the normal aroma of a grapefruit, this is a warning sign that the grapefruit has gone bad and should be discarded.

How It Tastes

A bad grapefruit will not have the same sweet, tart taste it normally has. Instead, the texture will be soft and slimy.

If you noticed that your grapefruit, has mold, is really soft, or smells bad then do not try and taste it. Just throw it out and get another one.

Also, find out how to tell if a watermelon is bad and how to tell if raspberries are bad.

Signs of bad grapefruitWhat it means
MoldThe grapefruit has been contaminated with fungus, which can be harmful if ingested.
Indicates that the grapefruit has begun to spoil and may have bacterial growth
Soft SpotsThe flesh of the grapefruit has started to break down, making it unsafe to eat.
Bad SmellThe grapefruit has a pungent odor, which is a sign of spoilage or bacterial growth.

How To Store Grapefruits And How Long Do They Last?

If you want to store grapefruit, it should be placed in an airtight container. Then, the container should be placed in the refrigerator to extend the life of the fruit.

You can store the grapefruit in the refrigerator for up to six weeks to keep it fresh. Make sure to check the grapefruit periodically to ensure it has not become moldy or soiled. Learn how to tell if your grapefruit is ripe with our comprehensive guide.

On the counter, grapefruit will last for about one week. If you need to use the fruit soon, it should be stored at room temperature, in a fruit bowl, or in your pantry.

To get the most out of your grapefruit, store them in a dark, cool area and let them ripen slowly in the fridge before using.

Check out a few of my posts answering commonly asked questions like how to store grapes or how to store onions.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Eating Grapefruit?

Eating grapefruit can provide numerous health benefits. It is high in nutrients and vitamins, including vitamin C, copper, iron, zinc, B vitamins, and vitamin A.

These vitamins and minerals can help protect against harmful bacteria, viruses, and inflammation, as well as improve immunity.

In addition, the vitamin A and C content can benefit hair and skin health, while the potassium and fiber content can help to regulate blood pressure and reduce sodium levels.

Lastly, grapefruit contains 91% water which helps to keep the body hydrated. All these benefits make grapefruit an excellent choice for helping to maintain a healthy heart.

How To Choose Delicious Ripe Grapefruit?

When choosing a ripe grapefruit, look for one with a uniform color on the peel and a flat top and bottom.

The most common varieties have an orange-colored peel, while red and pink grapefruit resemble big oranges, and white grapefruit look like round lemons.

Additionally, look for a fruit with a smooth peel and small bumps on it, as well as small dimples all across it. Avoid choosing grapefruits with spots.

Frequently Asked Questions For How To Tell If Grapefruit Is Bad

If the grapefruit has turned slightly brown on the inside, it’s usually still safe to eat. However, if it has a bad odor or mold, it’s best to discard it.

A ripe grapefruit should feel heavy for its size, and the skin should be firm and have a smooth texture. It should also have a slightly sweet aroma. If the grapefruit is too soft or has wrinkled skin, it may be overripe and not as flavorful.

To make grapefruit last longer, store it in the refrigerator in a plastic bag or an airtight container. Make sure to keep it away from other fruits that can produce ethylene gas, which can cause the grapefruit to ripen faster.


Being able to tell if grapefruit is bad is crucial to avoid any potential health risks. Remember to pay attention to the appearance, texture, and smell of the fruit to determine if it’s still fresh.

By following the tips mentioned in this blog post, you’ll be able to confidently enjoy your grapefruit without any worries.

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