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How to Store Sourdough Starter

Welcome, bread lovers! So, you’ve dipped your toes into the world of sourdough baking and you’ve got your starter bubbling away.

You’ve fed it, you’ve loved it, and it has rewarded you with delicious, tangy bread. Now, you may be wondering, “How do I store this magical concoction when I don’t need it?” You’re in luck because this comprehensive guide is all about the best practices for storing sourdough starters.

Two jars of sourdough starter in different stages on a cutting board.

Store active sourdough starter on the counter with daily feedings, or in the refrigerator with weekly feedings. For long-term storage, dry the starter and store it in a cool, dark place. Reactivate by rehydrating with equal parts water and flour, then resume regular feedings.

Storing Sourdough Starter: Short-Term vs. Long-Term

When it comes to sourdough starter storage, there are two broad categories: short-term and long-term. The method you choose will depend on how often you plan to use your starter.

Short-Term Storage

If you bake sourdough bread frequently, say once or twice a week, your starter can live on your countertop. This is the most straightforward form of sourdough starter storage. It requires daily feedings to keep your starter active and healthy. Here’s a quick guide on how to do this:

  1. Feed your starter every 24 hours. This involves discarding half of the starter and replenishing it with equal parts water and flour.
  2. Keep the starter in a glass or plastic container with a loose lid. This allows the gases produced during fermentation to escape without letting in unwanted bacteria or drying out your starter.
  3. Maintain a consistent room temperature, ideally between 68°F to 75°F (20°C – 24°C).

Long-Term Storage

If you bake less frequently, or you’re going on a vacation, you can store your sourdough starter in the refrigerator. This method requires feeding only once a week. Follow these steps for long-term storage:

  1. Feed your starter as you would for countertop storage.
  2. Allow your starter to sit at room temperature for about 2 hours. This gives your starter some time to begin the fermentation process before its cold nap.
  3. Store the starter in the refrigerator with a loose lid. The cool temperature slows down fermentation, reducing the need for daily feeding.

If you are new to this baker’s addiction, check out my recipe for starting your very own sourdough starter. It’s so easy and much healthier!

Comparison Table: Short-Term vs. Long-Term Storage

Short-Term StorageLong-Term Storage
Feeding FrequencyDailyWeekly
Storage LocationCountertopRefrigerator
Temperature68°F – 75°F (20°C – 24°C)Refrigerated
Ideal ForFrequent bakersOccasional bakers or vacationers

How to Dry Sourdough Starter

When it comes to preserving your sourdough starter for an extended period or for sharing it with others, drying it out is a fantastic option. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. Feed Your Starter: The first step is to feed your sourdough starter as you usually would. Let it become active and bubbly, which typically takes a few hours.
  2. Spread the Starter: Once your starter is active, spread it as thinly as possible on a piece of parchment paper or a silicone baking mat. The thinner it is, the quicker it will dry.
  3. Let it Dry: Leave the spread-out starter to dry at room temperature. This could take anywhere from 24 to 48 hours depending on the humidity and temperature in your area. You’ll know it’s completely dry when it’s no longer tacky and it breaks or crumbles.
  4. Break it into Flakes: Once dry, break the starter into small flakes. The smaller the pieces, the easier it will be to rehydrate later.
  5. Store the Flakes: Store the dried starter flakes in an airtight container, and keep it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. The back of your pantry would be a great spot.

When you’re ready to use the dried starter, you’ll need to rehydrate it and feed it regularly to reactivate it. To rehydrate, mix a small amount of the flakes with equal parts water and flour. Cover and let it sit at room temperature.

After a day or two, it should begin to show signs of life. Start feeding it regularly again, and before you know it, you’ll be back to baking delicious sourdough!

Can You Freeze Sourdough Starter?

Yes, indeed! You can freeze your sourdough starter. Freezing is a suitable option for storing your sourdough starter if you’re not planning to bake for a long time. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Feed your starter as you usually would and allow it to become active.
  2. Once it has peaked, place a small amount (about a cup) in a freezer-safe container.
  3. Label the container with the date and pop it into the freezer.

Remember, freezing slows down yeast activity but doesn’t kill it. When you’re ready to use it, thaw your starter in the refrigerator, then on the counter. After it’s thawed, begin feeding it regularly to reactivate the yeast and bacteria.

What is the Best Container for Storing Sourdough Starters?

When it comes to storing your sourdough starter, the choice of container matters. The best containers for storing sourdough starters are glass or food-safe plastic containers.

Glass is a great option as it doesn’t retain odors or stains, and you can see the activity of your starter through the sides. Mason jars or Weck jars are commonly used.

If you prefer plastic, ensure it’s food-safe. Some plastic containers can leach harmful chemicals, so it’s important to choose one marked as safe for food storage.

In either case, the container should have a loose-fitting lid. This allows the gases produced by the fermentation process to escape while keeping out unwanted contaminants. A rubber band around the container marking the starter’s level can also help you gauge its growth.

Key Tips for Sourdough Starter Storage

Regardless of the storage method you choose, there are some universal tips to keep your starter happy and healthy:

  1. Always use clean utensils and containers when handling your starter.
  2. If you notice any off colors, smells, or a layer of hooch (a liquid that can form on top), it might be time to give your starter extra attention.
  3. Regular feeding is crucial to maintain a healthy and active starter.

Learn in my comprehensive guide the sign how to tell if your sourdough starter has gone bad to ensure that you know what to look for in an unhealthy starter before you add it to your recipe.

Frequently Asked Questions About How to Store Sourdough Starter

Yes, but it’s generally recommended to feed your starter and let it become active before using it in a recipe. This ensures the starter is at its peak activity and will give you the best rise in your bread.

The liquid, often called “hooch”, is a byproduct of the fermentation process. It’s not harmful and can simply be stirred back into the starter. If it keeps reappearing, it’s a sign that your starter is hungry and needs to be fed more frequently.

If your sourdough starter is stored on the countertop, it will require daily feedings. If it’s stored in the refrigerator, a weekly feeding is sufficient. Remember to let it sit at room temperature for a few hours before and after feeding.


In the captivating world of sourdough baking, knowing how to properly store your sourdough starter is essential. Whether you’re an avid baker or an occasional hobbyist, there’s a storage method that suits your schedule and needs.

By following these guidelines, you’ll ensure your starter remains active, vibrant, and ready to leaven your next beautiful loaf of bread. Remember, a well-maintained sourdough starter is a secret ingredient for flavorful, artisanal loaves right from your own kitchen.

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