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How to Freeze Pasta

Aren’t leftovers just the best? Especially when they’re delicious homemade pasta! But let’s be honest, there are times when we simply make more pasta than we can eat, or when we’re preparing meals in advance.

It’s in those moments when freezing pasta can become a handy trick to have up your sleeve. So, how does one freeze pasta without it turning into a mushy mess when it’s reheated?

This friendly guide is here to lead you through the process. From prepping your pasta to packaging it right, we’ve got you covered.

Sautee pan with spaghetti, halved cherry tomatoes and fresh basil leaves.

To freeze pasta, cook it until slightly firmer than al dente and cool. Spread it on a baking sheet, freeze it until solid, and then transfer it to freezer bags or containers. Remember to label the bags with the freezing date. Properly stored, it can last up to two months.

Preparing Pasta for Freezing

Cooking Your Pasta

  1. Choose Your Pasta Wisely: Not all pasta types freeze equally well. Short, sturdy pasta shapes like rigatoni, penne, or fusilli tend to fare the best. These types can withstand freezing and reheating without losing their structure. Long pasta types, such as spaghetti, fettuccine, or linguine, can also be frozen, but they’re more likely to clump together or become overly soft during reheating.
  2. Undercook Your Pasta: Yes, you read that right. If you plan on freezing your pasta, cook it until it’s slightly firmer than al dente. Why? Because pasta will continue to cook when you reheat it, starting off with slightly undercooked pasta ensures that it won’t turn mushy when you’re ready to serve it.

Cooling Your Pasta

Rinse the cooked pasta under cold water. This step stops the cooking process and cools the pasta quickly, preparing it for freezing. After rinsing, drain thoroughly. Any excess water can create ice crystals, which can damage the texture of your pasta when you thaw and reheat it.

Freezing Your Pasta

Freezing Plain Pasta

Want a quick meal ready to go for those rushed days? Freezing plain pasta is your answer. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. First, take your slightly undercooked and cooled pasta and spread it out on a baking sheet in a single layer. This flash-freezing technique helps the pasta pieces from clumping together.
  2. Now, place the baking sheet in your freezer. Let the pasta freeze for around 2-3 hours, or until it is fully frozen. This ensures each individual piece of pasta maintains its form and texture.
  3. After your pasta is completely frozen, it’s time to pack it away. Transfer the pasta into freezer bags or airtight containers. Remember not to pack them too tightly, as pasta can slightly expand as it freezes. Make sure to remove as much air as possible before sealing the bags or containers. This helps avoid freezer burn and preserves the pasta’s quality.
  4. Finally, label each bag or container with the date you froze it. Though pasta can be stored in the freezer for quite a while, for best quality, it’s recommended to consume it within two months.

And there you have it! Your pasta is now neatly packed away in the freezer, ready for future meals. It’s a simple yet effective trick that can help save both time and effort, making meal prep a breeze.

Along with freezing, another effective way to keep your pasta delicious even days after cooking is through proper refrigeration.

If you often find yourself with leftover pasta from your meals, knowing the right methods to store it in the refrigerator can be incredibly useful. For a comprehensive guide on this, feel free to explore our detailed post on how to properly store leftover pasta.

Freezing Pasta With Sauce

When freezing pasta with sauce, it’s best to freeze the sauce separately if possible. This allows for more flexibility when it’s time to reheat and helps preserve the texture and flavor of both the pasta and sauce.

However, if you prefer to freeze them together, here’s what to do:

  • Cool the pasta and sauce separately before combining them.
  • Toss the pasta with just enough sauce to lightly coat it.
  • Transfer the pasta into freezer-safe containers or bags. Don’t forget to label it with the date!

Reheating Your Pasta

I have a post that goes into detail about how to reheat pasta that will explain different types of pasta. But here is a quick explanation for you.

For plain pasta, the easiest method is to drop it directly into a pot of boiling water for about 1-2 minutes, just until it’s heated through.

For pasta with sauce, you can reheat it in the microwave or on the stove. If the pasta was frozen with the sauce, you might need to add a splash of water, broth, or reserved pasta cooking water to help it loosen up and rehydrate.

Try out some of these pasta freezer meals as you meal prep for your week and save yourself some time.

Frequently Asked Questions About How To Freeze Pasta

While it’s possible to freeze pasta with sauce, it’s generally recommended to freeze them separately. This allows for more flexibility when reheating and helps preserve the texture and flavor of both the pasta and sauce.

Yes, it’s recommended to undercook your pasta slightly if you plan to freeze it. This is because pasta continues to cook when you reheat it, so starting with slightly firmer pasta prevents it from becoming mushy.

Not all pasta types freeze equally well. Shorter, sturdy pasta like penne, rigatoni, or fusilli usually freeze better than long pasta types such as spaghetti, fettuccine, or linguine.


In conclusion, freezing pasta is a great way to reduce food waste and have a convenient meal ready for those busy days.

By following the tips and steps provided in this guide, you can ensure your pasta retains its taste and texture, making for a delicious meal whenever you need it. So the next time you whip up a big batch of pasta, don’t worry about leftovers – freeze them instead!

Key Takeaways

  • Not all pasta types freeze equally well; short, sturdy shapes are best.
  • Cook pasta until it’s slightly firmer than al dente before freezing.
  • Cool your pasta thoroughly before freezing.
  • Freeze plain pasta on a baking sheet before transferring it to bags or containers.
  • It’s usually best to freeze pasta and sauce separately, but they can be frozen together if you prefer. Learn how to freeze sauce here.
  • When reheating, be prepared to add a little liquid to help rehydrate the pasta with sauce.

While freezing pasta is a great way to preserve your cooked pasta, it’s also important to properly store uncooked dry pasta. Dry pasta should be stored in a cool, dry place in an airtight container. To learn more, check out our guide on how to store dry pasta. This will ensure you have fresh, high-quality pasta ready for cooking and freezing whenever you need it!

Sautee pan with spaghetti, halved cherry tomatoes and fresh basil leaves.

How to freeze pasta

Extend the life of your leftover or batch-cooked pasta with this simple, efficient method for freezing it. By following these steps, you can ensure that your pasta remains tasty and maintains its texture even after being frozen and reheated.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 15 minutes
Freezing time 2 hours
Course Main Course
Cuisine American


  • Large pot
  • Colander
  • baking sheet
  • Freezer bags or airtight containers


  • Your choice of pasta


  • Cook your pasta in a large pot of salted boiling water, but keep it slightly firmer than al dente. This will help maintain its texture during the freezing and reheating process.
  • Drain your pasta using a colander and rinse it under cold water to stop the cooking process. Allow it to cool completely.
  • Spread your cooled pasta out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper in a single layer and place it in the freezer. Leave it until completely frozen (about 2-3 hours).
  • Once the pasta is fully frozen, quickly transfer it into your freezer bags or airtight containers. Remove as much air as possible before sealing to prevent freezer burn.
  • Use a permanent marker to label your packages with the date of freezing. This will help you keep track of how long the pasta has been stored.
Keyword How to freeze pasta
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