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How to Store Flour

Whether you’re a seasoned baker or a novice just stepping into the wonderful realm of home baking, understanding how to store flour is crucial.

Let’s sift through the ins and outs of flour storage to maintain its freshness and quality for your delicious creations.

How to properly store flour


To store flour properly, keep it in a cool, dry place, like a pantry, in an airtight container. This prevents moisture, pests, and odors from affecting its quality.

Sifting flour into a paper bag full of flour.

This guide will take you through the best practices for storing different types of flour, how long you can store your flour, how to tell if your flour has gone bad, and why flour goes bad.

It’s designed to provide practical, easy-to-follow advice to help you maintain the quality of your flour, so your baking and cooking always shine.

In the pantry

For all-purpose, bread, self-rising, and pastry flour (your typical white flour), the pantry is an ideal storage spot.

These flours don’t contain the germ of the grain, meaning they have less oil and longer shelf life at room temperature.

When storing in the pantry, make sure to keep your flour in a cool, dry area, away from direct sunlight or any heat source.

Use airtight containers to keep pests out and maintain the flour’s freshness. If stored properly, you can expect your white flour to stay at its best for about a year.

It is equally as important to know how to store sugar long-term to ensure freshness when baking.

In the refrigerator

Storing flour in the refrigerator might seem odd, but it’s the ideal place for certain types of flour. Whole grain flours, for example, are more perishable due to their oil content.

The germ and bran, which are included in whole grain flours, contain oils that can oxidize and turn rancid at room temperature over time.

To store flour in the refrigerator, it’s important to use airtight containers or heavy-duty freezer bags. This helps to prevent the flour from absorbing odors from other foods in the fridge.

When you’re ready to use the flour, be sure to allow it to come to room temperature before mixing it with other ingredients.

This is especially important in baking, as it can affect how your ingredients interact with each other.

Refrigerating your whole grain flour not only helps to extend its shelf life but also ensures the quality of your baked goods. No one wants a rancid taste in their fresh-baked bread or pastries!

In the freezer

Freezing flour? Yes, you read that right. If you’re looking to extend the life of your flour even further, the freezer is your friend.

This storage method is especially useful for whole-grain flour, which can be stored in the freezer for up to a year without losing its quality.

When storing flour in the freezer, similar rules to refrigerator storage apply. Use airtight containers or heavy-duty freezer bags to prevent the flour from absorbing odors or moisture.

Remember, it’s important to bring the flour back to room temperature before using it in your recipes.

The key benefit of storing flour in the freezer is longevity. The low temperature slows down the oxidation of the oils in whole-grain flours, helping to prevent them from turning rancid.

For those who don’t use whole grain flour regularly or who like to stock up during sales, freezing is an excellent way to ensure you always have fresh flour on hand when you need it.

Find out how to store rice or how to store potatoes to ensure you are always using fresh ingredients.

How Can You Tell If Your Flour Has Gone Bad?

As a vigilant home cook, you’ll want to keep an eye (and nose) out for signs of flour spoilage. Flour that’s gone bad may have a rancid smell, a bit like old, used frying oil.

If you taste it, it might have a bitter, off flavor. A change in color or visible signs of mold or pests is also clear indicators that your flour needs to be discarded.

To learn more check out my post that goes more in detail about how to tell when flour is bad.

Why Does Flour Go Bad?

Flour can go bad due to several factors. Let’s explore these to better understand how we can prevent it.

  1. Exposure to Light and Air: Just like many food products, flour doesn’t do well when exposed to light and air over a prolonged period. The exposure accelerates the oxidation process, causing the flour to lose its freshness and eventually turn rancid, especially in the case of whole grain flours with their higher oil content. Keeping your flour in airtight, opaque containers can help protect against this.
  2. Excess Moisture: Flour is hygroscopic, meaning it has a tendency to absorb moisture from the environment. In areas of high humidity, this can be a particular problem. Too much moisture absorbed by the flour can lead to clumping and, worse, mold growth. This is why we recommend storing flour in a cool, dry place, and always ensuring your storage containers are airtight.
  3. Pests: Flour can be a prime target for pests, especially weevils. These tiny bugs can infest your flour, spoiling it and making it unfit for use. Storing flour in airtight containers helps keep these unwelcome guests at bay. If you ever notice little bugs in your flour or tiny holes in the packaging, it’s best to discard the flour immediately.

Frequently asked questions for how to store flour

It is advisable to transfer flour to airtight containers as the original packaging may not provide optimal protection against moisture, pests, and odor absorption.

Typically, white flour can be stored in the pantry for up to a year, while whole grain flour has a shorter shelf life of about 6 months due to its higher oil content.

Yes, you can store certain types of flour, such as whole grain flour, in the refrigerator or freezer to extend their shelf life and prevent rancidity.


Proper storage of flour is essential to maintain its freshness and ensure your baked goods always turn out as delicious as intended.

It’s not just about keeping your flour usable; it’s about preserving the quality that can elevate your baking to new heights.

By understanding and implementing these storage tips, you’ll have a well-stocked pantry ready for all your baking adventures.

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