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How To Store Potatoes

Potatoes are a staple in many households, and knowing how to store potatoes properly can save you time, and money, and reduce food waste.

In this guide, we’ll cover the best methods to keep your potatoes fresh and ready for your next culinary creation. Let’s dive into the world of potato storage.

Best ways to store potatoes


To store potatoes effectively, keep them in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated space like a pantry or root cellar. Use a ventilated container such as a basket or mesh bag, separate them from onions, and avoid washing them before storage to prevent mold and rot.

Burlap bag with potatoes spilling out onto a grey background.

In this guide, we’ll delve into the best ways to store potatoes, ensuring they remain fresh, flavorful, and ready for your culinary creations.

By understanding the ideal storage conditions and techniques, you’ll be able to maximize the shelf life of your potatoes and reduce food waste. Let’s explore these top storage solutions!


A pantry can be an excellent place to store potatoes whether they be Yukon potatoes, red potatoes, russet potatoes, or sweet potatoes if you follow these guidelines they are sure to last you quite some time.

  1. Choose the right container: Use a well-ventilated container like a basket, mesh bag, or cardboard box with holes. Avoid airtight plastic containers, as they can trap moisture and lead to rot.
  2. Keep them separate: Store potatoes away from onions, as they release gases that can cause each other to spoil faster.

With proper pantry storage, potatoes can stay fresh for 2-3 months.

Root cellar

If you have access to a root cellar, it’s an ideal storage location for potatoes due to its cool and dark environment. Follow these steps for root cellar storage:

  • Inspect potatoes: Check for any signs of damage or rot before storing, as one bad potato can spoil the rest.
  • Layer potatoes: Use shallow containers or crates, and create layers of potatoes with clean straw or newspaper between them. This helps prevent bruising and allows for air circulation.

Root cellars can keep potatoes fresh for up to 4-6 months, depending on the conditions. Find out how to tell if potatoes are bad in my next post.

Ideal potato storage conditions

Understanding the right conditions for potato storage is crucial for maintaining their quality. Potatoes thrive in:

  • Cool temperatures: Aim for a storage temperature between 45-50°F (7-10°C). Avoid storing potatoes in the refrigerator, as it’s too cold and can alter their taste and texture.
  • Dark environments: Exposure to light can cause potatoes to turn green and develop solanine, a bitter and potentially harmful compound.
  • Well-ventilated spaces: Good air circulation helps prevent mold and rot.

By providing these conditions, you’ll keep your potatoes in prime condition for longer. Also find out how to store carrots, how to store avocadoes, or how to store onions as well! You might do doing to it all wrong.

Common potato storage mistakes

To maximize the shelf life of your potatoes, it’s essential to avoid common storage mistakes:

  • Don’t wash before storage: Washing potatoes can introduce moisture, leading to mold and rot. Instead, brush off any dirt and wash them only when you’re ready to cook.
  • Avoid storing near heat sources: Keep potatoes away from appliances or heat sources, as warmth can accelerate sprouting and spoilage.

By paying attention to these details, you’ll enjoy fresh potatoes for longer. Learn how to freeze potatoes long-term by freezing them in our guide!

Frequently asked questions about how to store potatoes

To prevent sprouting, store potatoes in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated space. Keep them away from heat sources and appliances, as warmth can accelerate sprouting and spoilage.

Avoid washing potatoes before storage, as moisture can lead to mold and rot. Instead, brush off any dirt and wash them only when you’re ready to cook.

For potato storage, use a well-ventilated container like a basket, mesh bag, or cardboard box with holes. Avoid airtight plastic containers, as they can trap moisture and cause rot.

Storing potatoes in the refrigerator is not recommended, as the cold temperature can alter their taste and texture. Instead, store them in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated area like a pantry or root cellar.


Knowing how to store potatoes is a game-changer for every home cook, as it ensures you always have a fresh supply on hand for your favorite dishes.

Remember that proper storage not only extends the shelf life of your potatoes but also helps maintain their flavor and texture. Don’t hesitate to explore more content on our website for more storage tips and home cooking advice!

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