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How To Tell If Mozzarella Is Bad

We’re navigating through the tasty realm of mozzarella cheese, and more specifically, unmasking the clues that show us “how to tell if mozzarella is bad.”

This knowledge, gathered over years of hands-on experience, can be a game-changer in your cooking journey, ensuring that every bite you craft is not only scrumptious but also safe.

So let’s gear up and uncover the secrets to identifying spoiled mozzarella cheese.

How to tell if mozzarella cheese is bad?


Determine if mozzarella is bad by examining its appearance for discoloration or mold, sniffing for sour or ammonia-like odors, and feeling for a slimy or excessively hard texture. Fresh mozzarella should be white or off-white, smell clean and slightly tangy, and have a soft, springy texture.

Fresh mozzarella balls in a white bowl

Here’s a quick fact for you – food safety is paramount, and mozzarella cheese is no exception. The thing is, bad cheese can introduce a host of foodborne illnesses, and we don’t want that to get in the way of our cooking adventures.

Detecting spoiled mozzarella cheese involves inspecting its appearance, smell, texture, and taste. Now let’s dive a little deeper into these areas.


As a home cook, I’ve always learned that my eyes are one of my most reliable tools. When you look at mozzarella cheese, it should be predominantly white or slightly off-white.

If you see spots of mold or any discoloration (like a pink, blue, or green hue), that’s a pretty clear signal that your mozzarella has gone bad.

Don’t forget that any dark or dried-out edges aren’t a good sign either.


Next, let’s use our noses. Fresh mozzarella has a light, clean, slightly tangy scent. Spoiled cheese, however, has a strong sour, or even ammonia-like smell.

If your cheese is starting to give off an unusual odor, it’s likely that it’s no longer safe to eat. Trust your nose, it rarely lies when it comes to food safety.


Fresh mozzarella should be soft and springy to the touch. If it’s beginning to feel slimy or excessively wet, this could indicate that the cheese has started to spoil.

On the flip side, if it feels too hard or dry, this could also be a sign of age. The key is to find a balance – not too soft, not too hard.


Lastly, let’s talk about taste, though I wouldn’t recommend tasting cheese you suspect is spoiled. However, if you have eaten a piece, and it tastes sour or just “off” to you, this could also indicate that the cheese is past its best.

Remember, your health comes first, so when in doubt, throw it out. Likewise how to tell if cheese is bad or how to tell if shredded cheese is bad.

How to store mozzarella

Knowing “how to tell if mozzarella is bad” is one thing, but how about we learn to store it correctly to keep it at its freshest for as long as possible?

Storing mozzarella cheese is as essential as any cooking process. The ideal place to store your cheese is in the refrigerator, which should be kept at a cool 40°F to maintain the cheese’s integrity and freshness.

If you have a block of mozzarella cheese, tightly wrap it in cling wrap or place it in a zip-lock bag.

This helps to create a barrier against the cold air in the refrigerator that can otherwise cause the cheese to dry out and lose its delicious, creamy texture.

Now, if you’re dealing with fresh mozzarella that comes in a brine or water solution, it’s best to keep it in this original liquid until you’re ready to use it.

This brine helps maintain the moisture and elasticity that fresh mozzarella is known and loved for.

How long does mozzarella cheese last?

The duration of how long mozzarella can last can vary depending on the type of mozzarella you have.

Unopened blocks of mozzarella can maintain their freshness for a few weeks in the fridge, while fresh mozzarella usually stays good for about a week.

However, once opened, it’s best to consume both types within a week or so. Consuming your cheese within this timeframe not only ensures safety but also guarantees the optimal freshness and taste that makes mozzarella a delight in various recipes.

Another common question people ask is how long does feta cheese last? and I have the answer for you in my blog post that explains what the signs are and how to store it properly.

Can you freeze mozzarella cheese?

This question pops up quite a bit: can you freeze mozzarella cheese? I’m happy to report that the answer is yes, you can!

Freezing mozzarella cheese can extend its life for up to six months, making it a smart move if you’ve bought it in bulk or have leftovers you won’t use immediately.

When freezing, be sure to wrap the cheese properly in freezer-safe bags or airtight containers to prevent freezer burn, which can affect the taste and texture.

One handy tip: consider shredding or slicing the cheese before freezing. This makes it much easier to portion out and use later when you want to whip up your favorite mozzarella-topped dish.

Understanding “how to tell if mozzarella is bad” also involves learning how to extend its shelf life safely, and freezing is a great way to do so.

Frequently asked questions about how to tell if mozzarella is bad

Bad mozzarella cheese can exhibit various colors other than its natural white or off-white hue. Signs of spoilage may include pink, blue, or green spots of mold or any significant discoloration. Always check your cheese thoroughly before using it in your cooking.

Mozzarella cheese should be stored in the refrigerator at around 40°F. If it’s a block of cheese, wrap it tightly in cling wrap or a zip-lock bag to prevent it from drying out. If it’s fresh mozzarella in a brine or water solution, keep it in its original liquid until you’re ready to use it.

Yes, consuming bad mozzarella cheese can make you sick. It can lead to foodborne illnesses, including food poisoning. If there’s any doubt about the quality of your cheese, it’s better to err on the side of caution and discard it.


And there you have it, folks! Armed with these tips, you’re all set to ensure that the mozzarella cheese you use in your recipes is fresh, tasty, and safe.

Always remember – if there’s any doubt about the quality of your cheese, it’s better to be safe than sorry. After all, there’s no joy in cooking (or eating) if it comes with a side of food poisoning.

Remember, these tips apply not only to mozzarella cheese but also to other kinds as well. Always ensure food safety, it’s a fundamental step in our home cooking journey.

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