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How To Store Cheese

Do you love cheese? Do you want to make sure it stays fresh and delicious for as long as possible? If so, then you need to know how to store cheese properly.

In this blog post, I will share some tips on how to store cheese so that it lasts for weeks or even months. So read on and learn how to keep your cheese fresh and flavorful!

Block of hard cheese cut into wedges on a round cutting board.

Store cheese in the refrigerator in a cheese box or wrapped in cheese paper. Hard cheeses can last for several weeks, while soft cheeses should be used within a week. Avoid storing cheese in direct sunlight or heat.

Where to Store Cheese

The best place to store cheese is in the refrigerator. The ideal temperature for storing cheese is 40-50 degrees Fahrenheit. If you do not have a refrigerator, you can store cheese in a cool, dark place.


The best spot for your cheese is in your fridge. It keeps a temperature of about 40-50 degrees Fahrenheit, which is just right to stop your cheese from going bad too quickly. Some parts of the fridge are even better for cheese!

Cheese Drawer

Lots of fridges have a special drawer just for cheese. This place is perfect because it’s not as cold as the rest of the fridge, which is a lot like the cool caves where people used to store cheese.

Crisper Drawer

If your fridge doesn’t have a cheese drawer, you can use the crisper drawer where you usually put vegetables. It’s a bit more humid in there, which helps the cheese from drying out.

A cool, dark place

If you don’t have a fridge, you might be wondering about keeping your cheese in a cool, dark place like a pantry or a basement. But there’s some important information you should know about that.

Cupboards and Pantries

A pantry or cupboard might seem like a good place for cheese, but cheese won’t stay good for very long here, even if it’s cool. It’s just not as cold as a fridge, so the cheese might only last a day or two before it starts to go bad.


A basement can be a better spot for your cheese if you don’t have a fridge. Basements are usually cooler and a bit damp, just like the caves that cheese likes. If your basement is cool enough (around 55 degrees Fahrenheit), your cheese might stay good for up to a week.


If you don’t have a fridge, a cooler can be a good solution. Fill it with ice packs or ice to keep your cheese cool. Make sure to keep the cooler in a cool, dark place to help the ice last longer. If you change the ice regularly, a cooler can keep your cheese good for a week or more, just like a fridge!


Don’t ever put your cheese in the sunlight or near anything hot. This will make your cheese go bad really fast. Always try to find a cool, dark place for your cheese so it stays fresh and tasty!

How to Wrap Cheese

When wrapping cheese, it is important to use a material that will allow the cheese to breathe. Cheese paper or parchment paper is ideal, as it will allow the cheese to breathe while still protecting it from moisture and other contaminants.

  • Cheese paper: Cheese paper is a thin, porous paper that is specifically designed for storing cheese. It allows the cheese to breathe while still protecting it from moisture and other contaminants.
  • Parchment paper: Parchment paper is a type of baking paper that is also porous. It can be used to wrap cheese, but it is not as ideal as cheese paper.
  • Plastic wrap: Plastic wrap can be used to wrap cheese, but it is not ideal. It can trap moisture and cause the cheese to become slimy.

Important: If you do not have cheese paper or parchment paper, you can wrap cheese in plastic wrap. However, be sure to poke a few holes in the plastic wrap to allow for ventilation.

How Long Does Cheese Last?

The shelf life of cheese varies depending on the type of cheese. Hard cheeses, such as cheddar and Parmesan, can last for several weeks in the refrigerator.

Soft cheeses, such as brie and goat cheese, should be used within a week. Blue cheeses, such as gorgonzola and Roquefort, can last for several weeks in the refrigerator.

Fresh cheeses, such as mozzarella and ricotta, should be used within three days.

Hard cheeses: Hard cheeses, such as cheddar and Parmesan, can last for several weeks in the refrigerator. They can also be stored in the freezer for up to six months.

Soft cheeses: Soft cheeses, such as brie and goat cheese, should be used within a week. They can also be stored in the freezer, but their texture may change.

Blue cheeses: Blue cheeses, such as gorgonzola and Roquefort, can last for several weeks in the refrigerator. They can also be stored in the freezer, but their texture may change.

Fresh cheeses: Fresh cheeses, such as mozzarella and ricotta, should be used within three days. They cannot be frozen.

Type of CheeseHow to StoreHow Long it Lasts
Hard CheesesCheese paper or parchment paperWeeks to months
Soft CheesesCheese paper or parchment paper, or a sealed containerDays to weeks
Blue CheesesCheese paper or parchment paper, or a sealed containerWeeks to months
Fresh CheesesCheese paper or parchment paper, or a sealed container1-3 days

How to Freeze Cheese

If you have any leftover cheese, you can freeze it for up to three months. To freeze cheese, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or foil and place it in a freezer-safe bag or container. When you are ready to use the cheese, thaw it overnight in the refrigerator.

When freezing cheese, it is important to wrap it tightly to prevent it from drying out. You can also freeze cheese in small pieces, which will make it easier to thaw and use.

Tips for Storing Cheese

Here are some additional tips for storing cheese:

  • Do not store cheese near strong-flavored foods, as the cheese may absorb the flavors. For example, do not store cheese near fish or garlic.
  • Change the wrapping material every few days to prevent the cheese from absorbing any off flavors.
  • When you are ready to use the cheese, let it come to room temperature for about 30 minutes. This will help to bring out the flavor of the cheese.

Frequently asked questions about how to store cheese

If you don’t have a fridge, a cooler can work well for storing cheese. Fill it with ice packs or ice, and keep the cooler in a cool, dark place. If you change the ice regularly, a cooler can keep your cheese good for a week or more.

If cheese isn’t refrigerated, it can spoil more quickly. While hard cheeses may last a couple of days at room temperature, softer cheeses can spoil within hours. Always store cheese in a cool place, ideally in a refrigerator or a cooler.

Yes, most types of cheese can be frozen, but it may change their texture, making them crumbly when defrosted. This is especially true for soft cheeses. Frozen cheese is best used for cooking or baking.


Storing cheese properly is easy and can help you to enjoy your cheese for longer. By following these tips, you can ensure that your cheese stays fresh and delicious for weeks or even months.

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